An Open Letter to the Portland “Officials” (And Officials of the Surrounding Areas)

Sisyphus Jung
5 min readAug 17, 2018

You are all absolutely fucking full of shit and should be licking the boots of your local antifascists and thanking them for their mercy on you based on the sole fact your homes haven’t been stormed by the torch and pitchfork wielding people you have betrayed. Let me be clear that I’m not threatening violence; I already do as much violence and crimes regardless of what silly rules you make up, which is pretty close to 0 (it’s really not worth the “legal” trouble to me, I already waste enough energy on you fucking vampires; but I have definitely jaywalked. The fuck you gonna do about it?). What I am getting at is that these elected “officials” have betrayed every single human being they lied about serving, and will continue to do so on every level possible.

Yes, you: Ted Wheeler.

Yes, especially you: Danielle Outlaw

Yes, you all: Portland City Council.

Yeah, seriously fucking you: Nazi Mark Kruger

Yeah, even you: Vancouver Police Department.

ESPECIALLY YOU: Department of “Homeland Security” and “ICE”

And everyone who exchanges hours of their lives toward the above listed people/organizations, and those affiliated with so called “law enforcement”.You should be crawling towards your nearest antifascist and begging for fucking mercy for the brutality inflicted on your communities, and the brutality you have allowed to be inflicted against your communities.

Again, I’m not threatening violence; if it was up to me I’d rather live in a small, self sufficient, fishing-and-farming village with 100 or so of my closest comrades and with them work towards a society with no inherent need for policing, much less the violent brand of policing endorsed by Portland’s police department (one could even call my ideal society that of “cereal-eaters”). However not even 150 years ago police were terrified to wear uniforms because the public would violently retaliate against them for their transgressions against society. Human society has only “been around” for about 200,000 years, and the idea of a police force has only been around since 1829. Police/ “Law Enforcement” has only been around for significantly less than 1% of human history. Maybe we should be doing things the old fashioned way, but we must define “old fashioned” on more realistic terms. These are just the facts:Humans haven’t had police for FAR longer than we have had them and until recently Police were afraid to be known as the vermin they are until recently.

Considering the sheer, unadulterated violence that was unnecessarily inflicted on the large masses of peaceful protestors recently I am shocked that people like Danielle Outlaw, who is supposed to be acting as a police chief (allegedly to protect and serve), can feel free to walk around Portland, uniformed or not. Danielle is lying (particularly about the events of the last police-sanctioned white supremacist rally by Patriot Prayer) at a dizzyingly rapid rate to rival the president. Danielle doesn’t even make an attempt to hid her bias: between giving Patriot Prayer special exceptions to the simple “don’t bring weapons into parks” rule, and then going onto a right wing talk show to make up more fantasies about antifascists carrying guns (a rumour based on a 5 comment reddit thread amplified by far right pundit Tim Pool). By the time I got halfway through writing this she had already appeared on a right wing radio show and bragged about the violence inflicted by her goons like she is some sort of elementary school bully. She even went so far as to trivialize a near-fatal injury inflicted by her own subordinates by comparing it to a schoolyard fight. Would she trivialize such violence if it was her own son or husband? I doubt it. But on a fundamental level she is incapable of performing her duties without bias, and is a direct threat to the safety of our community.

Even though Danielle Outlaw is acting, well, like some sort of wild west parody of an Outlaw; lets not forget who is supposed to be acting as the police commissioner here: Ted Wheeler, a manchild playing at being mayor of a rapidly growing city. Butterfingers Wheeler is letting control of his rabid departments slip out of his hands. During the last national election I looked at Ted Cruz and thought “alright, while that’s at least the lowest level of spinelessness someone could stoop too while being In Politics”. BOY WAS I WRONG. In 100% seriousness I have no doubt Ted Wheeler would dedicate a swarm of riot cops to give Joey Gibson a police escort so Joey could safely fuck Ted’s wife. Ted talked big game about a “clear direction for our community” when he was first sworn in but it was all just talk. The clearest direction the community seems to be heading is in the direction of the spiked embrace of fascism. It does make sense Ted is so compliant in allowing our communities to fall into the natural conclusion to capitalism: he did work for the Bank Of America after all before he became involved in politics. It is almost awe inspiring how someone could be of such character to be ridiculed and despised by the left, the right, and EVEN THE CENTRISTS; if we were talking about rational actors I would have to conclude this is someone trying to agitate every faction possible in these street politics. But Ted Wheeler may just be that spineless anyways.

Of course there’s also a big fuck you too, be thankful I’d like to dish up on a silver platter to every “law enforcement” agent and agency out there. Especially “border” control biased organizations. You all are literally wasting SO MANY resources patrolling some made up bullshit lines a bunch of crusty old fuckers scribbled onto a map so they could quit squabbling about who owned what dirt and get back to exploiting the rest of us.

Every single sack of sentient shit with a badge or some lofty title bestowed upon them (bestowed by an equally mortal sack of shit who probably got their “authority” from some even more bullshit source) should be whimpering and kissing OUR boots. Of course the far right would side with them, history proves this. Capitalists and fascism go hand in hand, and so do their foot soldiers. But there ARE more of us than there are of them combined. And I find it odd that for so long we existed without police force or city governments, things were pretty ok in comparison. But for some reason in recent times (probably lust for gold/wealth initially. Piss on columbus) we’ve come to a point where peaceful and unarmed protestors have to wear armor to safely stand against nazis (we had this discussion in the 1940s) because the organization dedicated to “protecting and serving” is giddily firing gas grenades at the to defend white supremacists.

If it weren’t for the badges and titles they would be hunted down.



Sisyphus Jung

"Dunked on 'em, now I'm swingin' off the rim. Bitch ain't comin' off the bench, while I'm comin' off the court fully drenched" - Nicki Minaj